Regenerative Relating Call

Each Monday from 6:30-8:30pm MST, we facilitate a call for both new & experienced people to practice the basics of truthful, regenerative relating. The call is also an opportunity to meet others in the project and get to know each other in meaningful ways.

All are welcome! Whether or not you are interested in being a part of a pod, you are welcome to join us. Come once or twice to check it out, join sporadically, or attend on a regular basis.

The call is led by one or two facilitators who introduce regenerative relating and lead processes for connecting more deeply with ourselves and each other.

It serves as an introduction to the pod project and a practice space for the kinds of relating that lead to deep trust, connectedness, and cooperativeness.

Please join us and invite your friends!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

adaptation of Margaret Mead quote